
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ninja challange

WALT-be a ninja on google docs
 Reflection- I didn't do much because i was remaking the chrome book case and undoing the cords.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Thank you letter.

WALT- Make thank you letters, use animations and send them.


Reflection-This was easy to make and fun to do, It didn't take to long to make.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wellington google my maps

Walt: Pin point locations on google my maps 

What is the distance from the airport to the Top Ten Holiday Park? 22 Kilometers/25 minute drive.
What is the best route to the to get from the top ten to the Adrenalin Forest? 25 kilometers/22 minute drive.
How long will it take us to drive from Zealandia to Te Papa? 5 kilometers/11 minute drive.
How far is it from Capital E to The Cable Car? 300 meters/5 minute walk
How long will it take us to walk from Te Papa up Mt Victoria and back again? 1 kilometers 12 minute walk

 Reflection:I think that this was a very laborious and hard,it was helpful because because now we know the directions and how to use google my maps. We will be using this in Wellington when we get lost.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

from my data i can see that the Boeing is the most popular with 6 people voting for it and the airbus beluga is the least popular with only 2 people voting for it.
and also somebody wright there answer as "the one with food and TV"

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

Barreleye fish

Have you ever heard of the Barrel eye fish, if you haven't I'll tell you about it now.
This fish lives in the deep in tropical waters. It is a predator, it uses its upward facing eyes to
hunt for prey. The barrel eye fish has a strange appearance, it will not be coming first in a beauty

The barrel eye fish is a predator to any small fish it can find, for example it eats snail fish
and lots of types of jelly's. The way it hunts is it looks up with it’s tubular eyes and scans the all
the water above it, when it finds its prey swims towards it while keeping it’s eyes locked on it,
keeping it’s eyes looking forward and starts swimming up and when it reaches its prey its eyes
are protected by the see through skull and it gobbles it up.

The features of the barrel eye fish are its two nostrils look like eyes.
The two green globes inside the head are its eyes,scientists think the eyes are green
because they are so good at seeing they can still see the light and the eyes being green
filters the sunlight from the jellyfish bio luminescence that they hunt for.

This was my report on the barrel eye fish.
I hope i've convinced you that this is the coolest fish in the ocean.

Richie out!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Google Earth Flight Simulator


Hi im Nick and this is Richie and today we are going to be reporting on this game called Google
earth Flight Simulator! We are going to tell you about the multiplayer aspect, controls and much more!...


The control’s of this game are easy.
Your mouse is the rudder and aileron and that moves the plane up down left and right! The arrow keys are your roll and pitch
if you tip over to much you can correct yourself. There are the flaps, spoilers, engines and autopilot but you can learn those
yourself if you play the game!

Planes and Locations

When you play you have a lot of choice in were and what you do. For example you can fly anywhere in the world, the little
green blue and yellow dots are runways and the yellow plane would be you and where you are.
You can choose from one of 20 planes to fly


Another cool aspect of the games is you can play online with other people and talk to them. also when you get to close you
can actually crash. When you fly the planes react and turn differently so you can choose what type of plane to fly. Geof also
has a discord so if you cant talk in game jointhe discord and play with your friends.


That concludes our report on GEOF! Here's A video on the game that shows what the graphics are like and the physics,
We hope you will enjoy this game as much as we did! In conclusion the game can give you good motor skills and provide
new pals! Nick and Richie signing off

Monday, March 26, 2018

Nau mai haere mai ki tenei taonga

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