
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


WALT-identify 2D polygons

Monday, September 16, 2019

climate change

  WALT-summaries the text in our own words

Monday, September 2, 2019


WALT-use bedmas to solve algebraic equations

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Film making-Distribution

WALT-summarise the text in our own words
Distribution is the last stage to film making. They usually release to cinemas first then to Blu-ray, DVD or Netflix. To get to the cinemas the film is copied to film tape or hard drive then the duplicates are sold to cinemas. But before that happens the film is advertised using posters and ads on TV or YouTube. Sometimes clips not used in the actual film are used to make documentaries if the film gets very popular.
Films are generally released with a launch party, a red carpet premiere, press releases and interviews. The director and the actors will sometime go on tours to help the films promotion they will have interviews go to festivals some really popular films may even go on more than one tour from popularity.

Since home video, films have been released on different  platforms throughout the weeks or months are the film has been released. It usually gets promoted then released to cinemas then the company can decided how long they will wait before releasing it to other viewing options.
Reflection-I haven't been here so i haven't been able to experience film making yet

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Production summary

WALT-summarise the text in our own words

Production is the stage were all the filming happens. Extra crew are recruited such as sound and picture editors, script supervisor, assistant director and stills photographer. These are the most common job roles but the film can create roles when needed for various responsibilities. 
A normal day of film begins with the  crew arriving at the location.
Because the set construction, dressing and lighting can take many hours,
they are often set up hours ahead. While the set is being filmed the next one
is usually being built to keep things efficient. After that happened the actors
rehearse the next scene and get costumes ready. Then the scene is shot as
many times as the director wants.

The film is then put together, the sound effects, music and video are all added
to each other. Then the film is done.

Reflection- I have been in Thailand for the last two weeks so I haven't been able to experience any filming or editing.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The meaning of bedmas

WALT-Solve algebraic equations

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Film Recount

This is the film we made last Friday, it was about Devlin and Pala fighting. It took about 30 minutes to make but then it took an hour to edit. The editing was tricky to work out because we had never edited videos before, we were using we video to put music in the background and cut all the scenes together to make it all run smoothly. Then all the groups had to show the class the movie they made.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The human brain

WALT- think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information

Reflection; This is a slide of all the work we did in the last two weeks. First we wrote about the human brain, if the moon had any affect on the human brain and how sleep affects your brain. After that we wrote about the solar system. Then we wrote about astrology and the four elements of astrology and their strengths and weakness. I enjoyed doing it all because they were all subjects I was interested in.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Squaring whole numbers

WALT-square whole numbers

Reflection:we have been learning about the square root and squaring numbers. this slide taught us about squaring whole numbers.

Friday, June 7, 2019

WALT-analyse kindness as one of our school values

 Reflection: We have been learning about our school values, this week we worked on kindness so we did a slide about what kindness looks like and what kindness sounds like.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Science experiment

WALT-make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.
Reflection: We made bouncy eggs last week out of vinegar and a jar. We put the eggs and the vinegar in the jar. We had to wait four days for the eggs shell to dissolve in the vinegar, some eggs shells dissolved and some shells had to be washed off when we took them out. I enjoyed watching the eggs shells fall off over the four days, next time I do it I'm going to shake the egg so the yoke breaks and see if its any different.

Team building

WALT-show your school values during team building.
Reflection-Today we built a marshmallow catapult. Seth, Cameron Dylan and I showed our school values by taking turns witch is equity, we showed kindness buy not yelling at each other and we showed resilience when things broke.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Team building

WALT-show our school values during team building.

Reflection-We had a competition on which team could build the highest tower made out of tooth picks and marshmallows,in the end our tower was 20cm high!! The people in our team were Kauri,Richie(me),Shaie and Jaspa, during our team building we showed kindness when we were having trouble keeping the tower up, we also showed equality bye taking turns and sharing the marshmallows equally and respect was shown bye not touching all the marshmallows and getting them dirty for my team mates.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


WALT-find the perimeter and area of a regular and irregular shapes Reflection-We are learning about perimeter and area, I liked how much there was to do. I was proud of how it only took me 10 minutes to do.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Kia Tika

WALT-share what respect looks like at Kaingaroa School
Reflection-respect is important because you want to treat people how you want to be treated

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Summary of the digestive system

WALT-think critically about texts and respond accordingly
Reflection-this week I read a text about the digestive system, I was amazed how complex the digestive system is. I'm happy that it only took me 1 hour to write.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What we did at Waitangi

WALT- make simple, compound and complex sentences.

On Friday, we went to Waitangi. We used lots of websites like SculptGL, Tinkercad, Paint 3D and virtual reality, to make people riding a waka in the water with a night sky background. SculptGL was used to make designs for the waka because it could mold and shape things really well. Paint 3D was used to make the people and the paddles to row with. After a while, we went for a walk and looked inside James Busby's house. Then, we went and looked in the marae. Although there was not much to look at, the most interesting thing for Max in the marae was the window fan. The end.

Reflection- this was fun

Why New Zealand needed a treaty

WALT-find information and write it down

Reflection-It was fun to make this slide because I was excited to go to Waitangi.