
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Film making-Distribution

WALT-summarise the text in our own words
Distribution is the last stage to film making. They usually release to cinemas first then to Blu-ray, DVD or Netflix. To get to the cinemas the film is copied to film tape or hard drive then the duplicates are sold to cinemas. But before that happens the film is advertised using posters and ads on TV or YouTube. Sometimes clips not used in the actual film are used to make documentaries if the film gets very popular.
Films are generally released with a launch party, a red carpet premiere, press releases and interviews. The director and the actors will sometime go on tours to help the films promotion they will have interviews go to festivals some really popular films may even go on more than one tour from popularity.

Since home video, films have been released on different  platforms throughout the weeks or months are the film has been released. It usually gets promoted then released to cinemas then the company can decided how long they will wait before releasing it to other viewing options.
Reflection-I haven't been here so i haven't been able to experience film making yet

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